Can I add a button to scroll to the top of a page?

Yes! Some of our designs already include a "back to the top" button. However, if you're using a design that doesn't have this button, you can set one up yourself using an anchor link.

Step 1

In the Editor, drag the Button element from the menu on the left and drop it in place on your page.

Step 2

Click on the Button element, then click on the blue Add link button.

Step 3

In the Add link dialog, go to the Webpage tab.

Step 4

In the Website address field, type in /#top.

Step 5

Make sure the Open in new tab option is disabled, and click on Save.

Note: You can only use /#top for buttons on your homepage. On other pages, the anchor link should include the page name. If you want to add a 'go to top' button to a page called Contact, for example, you'll need to type in /contact#top.

Tip: Enter the page name in lowercase and use dashes (-) to mark spaces between words. To add a button to a page called Our services, for example, type in /our-services#top.

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