How do I export form submissions and open them in Excel?

You can export form submissions to a .csv (Comma Separated Values) file, which can be opened with Excel.

Step 1

In the Editor, click on the form element and click on Submissions on the gray toolbar.

Step 2

Click on Export to download the form submissions.

Step 3

Open the file in Excel. If the data is not displayed neatly in columns, continue to step 4.

Step 4

Open a blank workbook in Excel and go to the Data tab.

Step 5

In the Get & Transform Data section of the ribbon, click on From Text/CSV.

Step 6

In the Import Data dialog, navigate to and select the file you downloaded in step 2 and click on Import.

Step 7

In the drop-down menu under Delimiter, choose Comma, then click on Load.

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