Can I protect my website content to prevent it being copied?

Quality website content is vulnerable to copying, and preventing this can be tricky. If someone wants to copy your content, they will almost always find a way to do so. However, there are steps you can take to make it more difficult!

1. Indicate copyright on your website

Any original content you add to your website is copyrighted. We recommend adding a notice to this effect, for example in the Footer, as well as a warning that visitors may not copy or save your content without permission. It won't stop everyone, but it's a good deterrent nonetheless.

2. Watermark (for images)

Place a watermark (e.g., your name or your company logo) on any images on your website that belong to you. The watermark should be prominent, i.e., not in the corner of the image. Watermarks are difficult to remove, which will deter anyone who wants to copy your images.

3. Block right mouse key

You can use HTML code to block the use of the right mouse key on your website. This makes it virtually impossible for anyone to save or copy your images.

To block the right mouse key, place the following HTML code in the HTML in HEAD tag field on your website:

.jw-album-image img, .jw-element-image img { pointer-events: none; -webkit-touch-callout: none; }
.pswp__share-tooltip .pswp__share--download { display: none; }

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