Fill a new page using AI

Our AI tool isn't just for building new websites — it can also be used to edit and improve your existing site! When adding a new page, you can opt to use AI to fill it with content.

Step 1

Go to the Pages tab and click on the + New page button to add a new page.

Step 2

Enter a name for the new page. If you need inspiration, check out the AI suggestions.

Step 3

Click on Save, and you'll see the page has been added to the list. Click on the page again to start editing.

Step 4

Click on Use AI to prefill this page.

Step 5

Answer a couple of questions to help the AI generate content for the page. You can optionally skip these questions, however the content will be less tailored in that case.

Step 6

Click on the blue Fill this page button after answering or skipping the questions, and let the AI tool get to work!

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