Can I sell my products via Instagram Shopping?

If you've followed the advice in our article about high-quality product photos, where better to share these than Instagram! You can also add links to your products so your Instagram followers can easily place an order.

Step 1

Make sure you have active Facebook and Instagram business accounts, and link these together.

Step 2

Request approval of your business account from Facebook. If you meet the requirements, the store option will automatically appear in your Instagram settings.

Step 3

Create a catalog via Facebook and list the products you want to promote via Instagram. Select Manage with Commerce Manager, then click on Checkout on another website. Enter the required information and start listing products in your catalog.

Step 4

Open Instagram, click on the menu icon in the top right, go to Settings, and click on Business.

Step 5

Click on Set up Instagram shopping and select the Product catalog you created on Facebook.

Step 6

Start tagging products in your Instagram photos!

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