General terms and conditions are the rules you want to set and make applicable by default when entering into an agreement with your customers. Anyone who runs a company and/or webshop and therefore interacts with customers should draw up terms and conditions. 

Terms and conditions for webshops generally cover the following:

  • Quote (whether a quote is binding and the acceptance period you adhere to)
  • Payment
  • Delivery time
  • Transport (who pays for transport and the shipping costs you charge)
  • Warranty (if applicable, under which conditions)
  • Liability

You can look at terms and conditions used by similar companies and use these as an example when drafting your own. There are also websites that allow you to generate terms and policies for your website, such as Termly.

Add terms and conditions to your webshop

Once you've drawn up your terms and conditions, you'll want to add them to your webshop so your visitors can review them. Usually, this content has its own page and a link to that page is placed at the bottom of your webshop, i.e. in the footer.

Add terms and conditions during the order process

You can also ask your customers to agree to your terms and conditions before placing an order.

Step 1

Go to the Webshop tab and click on Configuration in the menu on the left.

Step 2

Under Configuration, click on Checkout form.

Step 3

In the Confirmation dialog, enable the Terms and conditions option by clicking on the drop-down menu and selecting the page where your terms and conditions can be found.

When a customer places an order in your webshop, they'll see the message in the screenshot below before they can finalize their order.