Delete products

You can delete products from your webshop at any time. How to do this depends on whether you used a Product element or a Product gallery element to add the product(s). Follow the applicable steps below.


When using the Product element


Step 1

To remove a product added with the Product element, click on the element in the Editor and click on the red button in the upper right corner.

Step 2

You'll also want to make sure your product is removed from search engine results, so go to the Webshop tab via the Editor.

Step 3

Click on Products in the menu on the left to open an overview of the products in your webshop, then click on the red button next to the product(s) you want to remove.

Tip: If you want to delete multiple products (or all of them), use the checkboxes on the left and click on the Delete button at the top.

When using the Product gallery element

Deleting products added with the Product gallery element works a little differently.

Step 1

Click on the Product gallery element to open an overview of the products in your webshop.

To delete one or multiple products, click on the red button next to each product you want to remove. To delete all the products in the overview, click on the Product gallery element and click on the red button in the top right corner of the element.

Step 2

You'll also want to delete the element from the product list in your Webshop. To do this, follow steps 2 and 3 in the When using the Product element section above.

Once you've followed these steps, the deleted product(s) will no longer appear in your webshop!

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