Add a column

You can use columns to arrange and separate content on your website.

Step 1

Go to the Editor.

Step 2

Drag the Column element from the menu on the left and drop it in place on your page.

Note: All Webador websites have a 'responsive design'. This means that the website adapts to the size of the screen on which it is viewed. This causes columns to appear one below the other in the mobile view. Fortunately, you can easily optimize the mobile view.

Step 3

You can now drag all elements into the columns, for example text, images, buttons etc.

Click on and drag the bars on either side of the column to resize it.

Optionally, add more columns by clicking on the +button to the right of the columns.

Aligning columns

To help you align the columns, we show the percentage of the column width relative to the page width. The columns automatically adjust to 1/4, 1/3, 1/2 and so on. However, you can of course set the column width entirely to your liking.

If you have placed elements in the columns and made them the full width of the column, the element will automatically change with it when you adjust the width of the column. Elements across the entire column width will therefore remain the same width as the column, even if you make the column larger or smaller. Of course, you can always make the element smaller than the entire width of the column.

Editing columns

If you've created a column and want to use it on another page, you can. You can easily move or duplicate an entire column or row with multiple columns. Simply click the Edit columns button to the right along the rightmost column.

Tip: Adding columns manually by placing elements below each other, to the left of another element or to the right of another element, you can also create your own columns.

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